STC's trip to Poplar Grove - Merry and Bright - Buy tickets online - $10 each. We will meet at the church at 4:30 pm.
Joy Gift Lunch Potluck after worship - Bring a dish or two to share with our church family, Sunday, December 8th - Children's Play afterwards.
Christmas Cantata - Sunday, December 15th at 10:00 AM - Youth will go caroling afterwards.
Other Upcoming Events•Joy Gift potluck lunch and Children’s play December 8th immediately following worship* •Women of the Church lunch in the fellowship hall December 10th at 10:30 am •Christmas Cantata December 15th during worship •Church wide Christmas caroling December 15th at 3:30pm* •December 18th at 11am- Preschool Christmas Program in the Sanctuary •December 22nd Congregation Meeting following worship for the purpose of electing officers for the new year. •Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with Communion- December 24th. Carols begin at 4:30 and worship service begins at 5pm